On Hold
Muestra Internacional de Fotografía
organizada por el
Museo de la Cárcova-UNA
Universidad Nacional de las Artes
Elda Harrington y Silvia Mangialardi
Fundación Luz Austral
- Alasdair Foster, Cultural Development Consulting, Australia
- Christoph Tannert, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Alemania
- Enrica Vigano, ADMIRA, Milán, Italia
- Enrico Stefanelli, director PHOTOLUX, Lucca, Italia
- Irina Chmyreva, directora PHOTOVISA, Krasnodar, Rusia
- Jae- hyun SEOK, LUMOS Art Space, Daegu, Corea
- Jim Casper, LENS CULTURE
- José Antonio Navarrete, Curador Independiente e Investigador en artes visuales, EEUU
- Krzysztof Candrowicz, director FOTOFESTIWAL, Lodz, Polonia
- Louise Clements, directora FORMAT international photography festival, Derby, UK
- Rui Prata, director festival INAGO, Lisboa, Portugal
24 autores - 14 países - 5 continentes
del 24 de octubre de 2020
al 31 de marzo de 2021
On Hold...
Suddenly, one day, we found out Covid-19 had arrived to change our lives.
Very soon, most cities were empty and silent.
Many were fortunate enough to be home when the pandemic hit.
Others were not and got stranded far away. Some people had to stay on the streets, because they had nowhere else to go.
Many got infected and died; there was applause and “cacerolazos”; demonstrations for and against.
Loneliness took hold and each of us reacted the best we could.
Luckily, art exists!
The artist created works based on their experiences, which resonate with our own.
Some have a tragicomic, ironic approach, while others resorted to taking refuge in their own fantasies.
Many came out to witness what was going on to better understand and process what was happening to us: waiting, life on hold.
All of them show an aspect of what affected us, as we
Accept the uncertainty of its demise.
Elda Harrington y Silvia Mangialardi
Simon Norfolk Nigeria - Afganistán - UK
Empty London
"I never imagined the Apocalypse so silent as to hear in Piccadilly the song of a blackbird"
Shin Woong-Jae Corea - EEUU
Grave Silencio
Atmosphere of a scared, desperate city with barely a glimpse of hope and solidarity.
Carolina Franco Argentina
When it rains...
The sounds of parks and the bells stopped.
Augusto Brazio Portugal
On how borders were closed again.
Gabriele Galimberti Italia
Support Local Bussiness
The revenge of small merchant
Cesar Gustavo Ruiz Argentina
Salegirls at the Quebrada
Even the small towns suffered the pandemic
Julia Fullerton-Batten Alemania - UK
Looking Outside from Inside
At the agreed time and place
Lisa Sorgini Australia
Behind the glass
As living masterworks, the divine comedies of domesticity
Svetlana Tarasova Siberia, Rusia
Internal magic
Like in a fairytale.
Viktoria Sorochinski Ucrania - Canadá
Portraying mood change
Michelle Luke EEUU
Isolated Lovers
An exploration on the yearning a love separation provokes
Mohammad Shahnewaz Khan Bangladesh
Living in a Cage
From photojournalism to photographing his private world
Alfredo Sarabia Cuba
Round house
Portraying his kids he recalls his own childhood
María de la Paz Gutierrez Argentina
Everlasting Sunday
Days happen, alike but different, filled of creative, idled, bored hours.
Eleonora Ronconi Argentina
You will be my eyes
While you are locked inside with memories…
Cristina Esperanza España
When your bed is the whole world
Gaia Squarci Italia - EEUU
Living with the Abuser
This video is a telephone recording of a conversation with Natalia
Lalo de Almeida Brasil
Inequality in Brazil
The effects of the pandemic in raising extreme poverty
Jun Michael Park Corea
Korea Pandemic
Coexisting with the virus in a new normality.
Yonggeun Jang Corea
37,5 ºC
The colors in the monitor of a thermographic camera determine who is a potential carrier
Luca Bonacini Italia - Brasil
What protects me
Irony as a way of protection
Andrea Guedella Argentina
Pandemic log
With humor she builds feminine social archetypes using self-portraits
Geandy Pavon Cuba - EEUU
Quarentine: 40 days and 40 nights
Imagining possible lives.
Duane Michals EEUU

The Corona Follies
"The key word is expression, not photography, not painting, not writing When you look at my photographs you look into my thoughts"
- Simon Norfolk (Nigeria - Afganistán - UK)
- Shin Woong-Jae (Corea - EEUU)
- Carolina Franco (Argentina)
- Augusto Brazio (Portugal)
- Gabriele Galimberti (Italia)
- Cesar Gustavo Ruiz (Argentina)
- Julia Fullerton-Batten (Alemania - UK)
- Lisa Sorgini (Australia)
- Svetlana Tarasova (Siberia, Rusia)
- Viktoria Sorochinski (Ucrania - Canadá)
- Michelle Luke (EEUU)
- Mohammad Shahnewaz Khan (Bangladesh)
- Alfredo Sarabia (Cuba)
- María de la Paz Gutierrez (Argentina)
- Eleonora Ronconi (Argentina)
- Cristina Esperanza (España)
- Gaia Squarci (Italia - EEUU)
- Lalo de Almeida (Brasil)
- Jun Michael Park (Corea)
- Yonggeun Jang (Corea)
- Luca Bonacini (Italia - Brasil)
- Andrea Guedella (Argentina)
- Geandy Pavon (Cuba - EEUU)
- Duane Michals (EEUU)
- Critical Mass- PHOTOLUCIDA, Portland, EEUU
- LANDSKRONA Foto Portfolio Review, Suecia
- Foro de Portfolios de la Fundación Luz Austral