Sara Wayra Aliaga (Bolivia)

Muestra "Sobre una mujer / About a Woman" Washinton D.C. USA.

OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas. Julio 27 - Octubre 8, 2023.

Sobre una mujer / About a Woman
Curated by Elda Harrington and Silvia Mangialardi

OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas
201 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20006


The OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas and the FLA-Fundación Luz Austral, with the support of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) Sobre una mujer (About a Woman), an exhibition of contemporary photography of the Americas. This exhibition coincides with the 95th anniversary of the CIM. Curated by Elda Harrington and Sylvia Mangialardi, this exhibition was presented online through the museum’s social media platforms in March of 2023, and will now come to life along the museum’s physical walls.

This exhibition highlights contemporary women photographers not as a monolith but as being of a wide range of ages and economic circumstances. Each experience is unique, as are each person's values and ideas. There are recurring themes of social and family violence, physical and moral harassment, weariness in the face of daily injustice, stamina for personal struggle and conquest. These images allow us to reflect on the dichotomy between ferocity and vulnerability, motherhood, the appearance of the mechanical in the face of the simultaneous and vertiginous tasks, the links with objects in the domestic space. There is one—and only one—generalization that is possible and verifiable. Women are the only majority that even today, in the 21st century, continues to face such discrimination.

Fotografías de la inauguración

Recorriendo la muestra junto al Secretario General de la OEA Sr. Luis Almagro

Elda Harrington

Silvia Mangialardi

Agradecemos la colaboración de nuestros asesores internacionales en la investigación realizada durante estos dos últimos años.
Alasdair Foster- Australia
Angela Ferreira- Portugal- Brasil
Christopher Tannert- Alemania
Felipe Coddou-Chile
Frank Rodick- Canadá
Gisela Volá- Sub Cooperativa
Joaquim Paiva-Brasil
José Diniz- Brasil
Lisette Ríos Lozano - Cuba
Luis Delgado- México
Samuel Shat- Chile
Sandra Boulanger- Bolivia
Seok Jae-hyun-Corea
Wendy Watriss- EEUU

Adriana Groisman- Argentina- EEUU
Adriana Lestido- Argentina
Alicia D´Amico-Argentina
Ana Carolina Fernandes – Brasil
Ana Robles- Argentina
Anita Pouchard Serra- Argentina
Annemarie Heinrich- Argentina
Cande Rivera- Nicaragua
Candelaria Magliano- Argentina Cecilia Antón- Argentina
César Gustavo Ruiz- Argentina
Cirenaica Moreira- Cuba
Claudia Gaudelli- Argentina Colectivo S/T- Chile
Cristian Nicollier- Argentina
Diane Fenster- EEUU
Franco Fafasuli-Argentina
Gaby Messina- Argentina
Haley Morris Cafiero-EEUU
Lydia Panas- EEUU
Maia Alcire- Argentina
Marina Carniglia- Argentina
Pablo Ortiz Monasterio- México
Patricia Ackerman- Argentina
Silvina Caserta- Argentina

Homenaje a grandes fotógrafas
Alicia D´Amico- Argentina
Annemarie Heinrich-Argentina